me long time din post the articles in the 38 blog ady... so now i do my job a bit~ haha... ok! last last week i had my first rat dissection for my general biology 2 lab. before that i'm not very scared about to dissect the rat, just i dunno how to dissect it and i sacred i will make the organ bleeding because my lecturer said the if bleeding then will deduct marks.
finally this momment come, the lecturer lets us touch the rat and feel the rat for 10 minutes first so that when we start dissect it, we wont feel so scared... ok... we seperate into 3 in one group and i start to dissect it in my group... haha... am i brave? haha... not like me leh! haha... first, we must pull up the epidermal layer first and must make sure do not cut deeply and this part i do it! haha... i cut cut cut until it epidermal layer open it and pin it... after that is cut the abdorminal layer le... and this part i past to my groupmates to do it... when start to dissect this part, wah!!! whole lab got the smelly smell! wah! luckily got wear mask if not... then this part we want to look the digestion system of the rat... we need to move around the organ and find which one is the pancreas, which one is apendix... wah!!! semlly smelly!!!after this part we need to wait the lecturer come and ask our the question.. haiz... i dunno leh!!! after that we continue dissect it and now it reproduction system... our rat is male so we will look out the male reproduction system... actually female reproduction system is more easier to dissect than male reproduction system. in this dissection we spend around 4 hours to dissect it! wah!!! this is the longer time that i ever attend the lab class...
This week means yesterday we did another dissection again and now is frog dissection. this we have done at the secondary school and we do it again... actually i feel that frog is more geli than rat! because the frog's skin is wet and slippely... even we have the proplem to cut the epidermal layer because of it's skin... after dissect all the layer then we can see clearly the inner organ... i must say that we are lucky because our frog din bleeding too much and it also din move! because others group when the halfway to dissect it, it leg move and the cruel thing happen because the technician will take one things to push it into the spinal cord of the frog! wow! cruel leh!!! got others group also got this problem, when the teachnician do it then it gall bladder and the intestine drop out! aiyer~~~ back to our group, our group frog got many special things that our lecturer also not sure about it... because in out frog got eggs!!! and also tumour!!! the tumour very geli! and fill with the blood! one of my coursemate dissect the tumour out and cut in see inside is what... and we find out that frog urinary bladder is in transparent colour! haha... we cut the urinary bladder and the urine flow out... finally we need to take out the heart to compare the frog heart and also the rat heart. when we take out the heart , it still beating! and the heart part in the frog also moving! maybe it still breathing! when i throw it into the plastic bag it still breathing! wah!!! this frog so tabah!!!
haha... i know the form 6 students will do this... haha... good luck to u all!!!
about the pics i will upload it tomorrow~~~
kesian punya rat n frog~
xiang dang nian~~~
yer... so cruel le...
yiing, u still can describe out.. geng
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