then i said can! so today around 9am peng fetch nin and chloe come to cheras and find me.
me around 9.10am i sms chloe where are they now?
and they say still at kepong so i just wait them at my dining room...
and around 9.35 something they call me and ask me where should they stop
and say at the petronas oil station there...
so my mum fetch me to the oil station there and find them...
after finding them then we go to "mei yi pan mee" (chloe favorite!)
but they say they ady ate breakfast but me havent!
so we still go to eat it... haha...
when we order the pan mee, the waiter got a bit shock cause 4 person just 2 bowl of pan mee
and three of them share 1 bowl of it! she got abit shock loh!
after that we go to visit my ucsi university... haha...
wah! today full parking o... cause today is the open day!
then we just parked infront of it...
we go down and take some pictures...
after that go to my house loh!!!
erm... what can do in my house leh? sing k loh...
we sang about 4 hours in my house... and drinking,eating the fried crab meat...
haha... this is the most popular! is it?
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