well... since that all of the articles
are stated so small and little..
then i think mine shud be the tiny one..
wahaha.. :P
so.... here i would like to present
a very very tiny article about my life recently... ^^
as usual... im vry vry busy for my college life..
assignments.... assesments.... exams... a lot la..
actually... its not wad i can imagined before i enter the college..
haha... i tot the course that i choose is a easy course..
because it just need any three credits in my SPM.. haha..
who knows... its not only DIFFICULT.. but BUSY oso..
DIFFICULT is because its skillful and need a lot of
professionalism... so... evrythg learn from zero... ==
BUSY is like a normal thing in college la..
as long as is studying.. then will be busy...
the time passed damn fast
after next week... im goin to end my semester 2...
haha... 7 weeks jus passed like that...
even cant imagine how fast is it..
jus a blinking of eyes.. evrything is ending..
stil remember the 1st week of semester 2 ...
im not even feeling like wanna go to school..
and now... there is a semester break waiting for me..!
i just finished my practical exam on 24/25-02-2010
before the exam..
its just like a big stone in my heart..
but now.. wahaha... i believe i can FLY.. lolz..
even still got theory exam to go la.. but i ady feel happy..
holidays mood ady started from the moment
my practical exam finished.. haha..
the F&B practical exam for tis time is more
diffucult than last semester....
last sem just nid to set the table in time
and then asnwer some question from the lecturer..
but tis sem... we not only nid to set the table..
we need to run the whole restaurant for real customers..
we greet..
we serve..
we show..
we present..
we order...
we sell...
we clear...
and the most important point that i damn dislike is..
we find our own customers..
haiz.. tis is the most difficult thg for me..
bcz i duno most of the senior or even others frends..
not like others.. know he know her de.. ==
i just knw few of the seniors.. =='''
so... normally i cant get the expected numbers of customers..
for exam... we force to find four customers to serve...
not less than four... not more than four..!
haiz... luckly i got it finally la.. lolz..
normal practical as long as total got 40 pax than done liao de..
but exam cannot.. must find own customers..
but i realy dont like tis kind of rules lo..
where got waiter go to find customers de oh??
we find customers to help the college earn money..
damn not fair de la..!! marketing is not the job of a waiter!!
but no choice.. we pay money to buy our marks..
thats wad we comment for the ways they run it...
this is our restaurant during the practical exam.. ^^
izit looks nice?? wahaha....
aiyo... ok la..
thats all i wanna to tell n complaint about..
THE END of my tiny article..