Happy Halloween
To all my members^^

(sum of them r so HIGH n wearing d funny thg thg o)
Wad activity u all goin on ytd???
Time goes fast...
It comes to NOVEMBER ady^^
End-year Holidays coming soon ya!
For those r studying in primary skul n
secondary skul n oso kindergarten = =
So shuang! realy! is a gud news 4 them...
EXCEPT for those who r study at university/college...
Plan 4 our end-year holiday's EVENT!!!
Let's PARTY in DECEMBER!! yoo-hoo!!
yeah~ holidays plan.. tis time mz go lah
i wan 发霉 ady
26/11 sunway lagoon (physic student kindly invite me )
26-28 fraser hill (bio experiment, )
好像是20/11,go FRIM with teacher ( bio experiment )
peng,we go taman pertanian again,want ?
go cycle again^^
i can de but takut how 2 cycle liao^^
v Muz PLANning d events for our 38geng^^
tham, 20/11 is friday woh..
v 21/11 go frim also
mayb v can hav a 巧遇
then the apparatus all tat...
peng arr.. u organise arr
i really wan tumbuh mushroom ady~
ok,if we meet , oso the same process, give me salin ur report,then i giv my classmate salin, tq
sry loh v go catch insects, not go do reports
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